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SFU Co-op Student

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One of the greatest things about working at Co-operative Education as a volunteer community writer is that I get to go to events held on campus and report them back, the “Extreme Makeover: Resume Edition” event being one of them.

As you know, a professional and eye-catching resume is a must in today's competitive job market. If it does not stand out from the crowd, there is a minimal chance that an employer may notice you even if you have all the required skills and relevant experiences. Do you want an extreme makeover for your resume but just don’t know where to start?

Well, I knew my resume was very outdated, and if it makes you feel any better, I don’t think I have updated it since 10th grade in high school. I knew I would need to get on the update sooner or later but my procrastination has cleverly persuaded me to lock it and tuck it away. Then, I was told that I could get a makeover for my resume in less than 15 minutes (from an expert!) right here at SFU, and finally was I brave enough to stand up to my procrastination and take some action.

One of the greatest things about working at Co-operative Education as a volunteer community writer is that I get to go to events held on campus and report them back, the “Extreme Makeover: Resume Edition” event being one of them. This event assists students in transforming their resume to attract the employers they seek to work for. Not only can you get great tips on how to get a new look for your resume, but if I have not emphasized this enough already, it also takes less than 15 minutes out of your busy schedule! What more could you ask for? 

At first, I was intimidated by the fact that my “very old” resume was going to be reviewed by a stranger, who also happens to be a resume “expert,” but I actually found the experience to be quite relaxing and pleasing. Many experts there were actually students, but do not underestimate them, they were very professional and highly trained.

All I needed to do then was to show them my resume and let the makeover begin! I was taught that when describing the learned skills from volunteering or work experiences, you needed to write “impact statements” which state the skill, action, and result from that experience. These statements are short but concise and descriptive, and would very much appeal to prospective employers since they probably have more than a dozen resumes to look at. I also learned that, specifically for Co-op jobs, it is sometimes unnecessary to put your academic information on the first page, depending on the employer’s needs. They may be more interested in reading about your experiences and practical skills (for example, communication or leadership skills) relevant to the job you have applied for, rather than your academic information, such as how many awards or scholarships you have received or your GPA.

Obviously, these are only two tips (very useful ones) that the expert had given me while I was there, but you probably would not be interested as you are now anxiously waiting and wanting to know where you can get this great service. This event, “Extreme Makeover: Resume Edition,” is offered by SFU’s very own Career Services Center in Maggie Benston Building (MBC 0300), you may want to go there to get a pamphlet or visit their website to see when the next session or other events will be held that you want to attend.

Start your career planning now by getting that extreme makeover your resume may desperately need! Remember, it is free and only takes 15 minutes, so what are you waiting for? 

Beyond the Blog

  • Check out the Resume Gallery for inspiration for your own resume!

  • Visit Career Services for more information on resume and cover letter building!

SFU Co-op Student
Grace is a 4th year Communications major who enjoys volunteering, writing and mentoring people. She has worked at BCNET and SFU Volunteer Services prior to her fourth and fifth co-op placement with HSBC. She is currently interning at SAP and working part-time at SFU OLC as the Volunteer Recruiting & Project Coordinator. In her spare time, she loves watching drama and movies.
visibility  111
Mar 22, 2012

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