It’s that time of term again (and by “time”, I mean we're not even half way). There’s so much going on, you feel completely overwhelmed. Rigorous university life keep us on our toes, for sure. And to get a break from all of this, SFU student Bhavina Patel has found a way to not only be proactive in her academic life, but also in another activity away from her GPA, but just as fulfilling.
“I’ve done my fair share of volunteering for different organizations, [but] the Surrey Food Bank is just one of those places you can see first-hand that your time spent helping out is actually making a difference in the community!”
Her time at Surrey Food Bank has made her realize something that others may not consider clients of food banks to feel:
“I’ve learned that a lot of the time, people do not want to come to the food bank and collect…Lining up for food can be a hard experience for some clients because most people want to be able to fend/provide for themselves.”
However, the amazingly energetic and positive feeling created by volunteer coordinator, Twyla, at the beginning of Bhavina’s shifts at 9:00 AM, is definitely contagious to all who arrive at the Food Bank for support. What better way than to interact with others in your community than putting genuine smiles on their faces?
“At least once in a day while working on the outside line handing out food, someone will say, ‘Thanks for being here!’ and it’s the best feeling.”
Rarely working alone, volunteers experience fine team-working skills in tasks such as sorting and distributing food until 1:00 PM. Though only four hours out of the day, the lives of those helped are extremely significant.
And in those four hours, meeting people from all different walks of life offers those new connections everyone needs when volunteering. Bhavina has volunteered alongside elementary school children while talking about the latest TV shows and Selena Gomez, while other days she has worked with chartered accountants.
Beyond the Blog
If you want to put a smile on someone’s face, while engaging with all sorts of people, check out the Surrey Food Bank’s website to get started.