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Special Projects Assistant

Your ability to communicate with others shows that you have good interpersonal communication skills and unique communication strategies, which make you an attractive candidate to organizations.

Summer travel offers opportunities to explore, relax, and hang out with friends. Plus, if you are an open-minded and curious person, travel can be a eye opening, resume enhancing experience. Here are some ways that travel might make a difference in your career.


You are out of your comfort zone when you travel, especially if you went aboard. Think about it – you have to adapt to the new culture, the unique experiences and the people. Being able to become accustomed to new settings shows that you are “flexible, versatile and open to new experiences” (10 Ways Travel Can Help You Get a Job…)

Communication Skills

When immersing yourself in the culture of another country you will be communicating and interacting with people, no matter the language. Your ability to communicate with others shows that you have good interpersonal communication skills and unique communication strategies, which make you an attractive candidate to organizations. 

Negotiation Skills

As a traveler sometimes you are caught in situations where you are bartering about taxi fares or persuading your travel partner to change your plans. You can apply the negotiation skills you acquire during g your travels to the workplace – a great skill to learn while you’re having fun. 

Other skills that you can acquire while traveling are Budget Management, Planning, and Problem Solving. For some more ideas on how to transfer skills and knowledge from your travels checkout the additinal resources.

Safe travels and embrace the opportunities!

Special Projects Assistant
visibility  49
Jul 19, 2012

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