“The goals of the CuBED lab include learning about culture, behaviour, development, and evolution in a psychological sense. My part within the lab includes reading about cross-cultural depictions of sexual assault and coping mechanisms that might be associated with the event. This is my second semester working in the CuBED Lab and my experience has been so rewarding! I applied to the CuBED lab as I saw it as an excellent opportunity to expand my knowledge on cross-cultural studies and working with sensitive topics, such as sexual assault. While I am a criminology student, psychology is such a huge part of my studies and I saw the ability to expand that knowledge as something I could not pass up.”
Kenzie Hanson is a fifth-year Criminology student who previously completed a Legal Studies certificate and is involved with Dr. Michelle Kline’s CuBED lab. Since 2008, Dr. Kline has participated in field site research beyond Western societies, with her current research taking place in Yasawa Islands, Fiji.
This post was originally posted on the SFU Psychology Instagram on September 30, 2019.