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Three images combined in a collage. Top image shows a blackberry with its screen illuminated and propped up against a book titled "Blackberry Customer Success". Bottom left image shows a Blackberry propped up with its screen displaying in-built apps. The device is flanked on both sides with black cards that say "Blackberry Privilege Project". Bottom right image shows a pair of hands holding and using the blackberry. In the left corner of this image there is a white board that says "Hi I am Nathan".
Life in Ontario: My Co-op at BlackBerry

Meet Nathan: a Business Co-op student who completed a 12-month work term with Blackberry in Toronto. In this blog, Nathan discusses how valuable co-op is for their personal and professional development and why you should consider completing an out-of-town co-op!

Image of Author. She is smiling at the camera and is wearing blue blouse. The wall behind her has the logo of Blackberry on it.
Top 3 Reasons to Consider an Extension and Job Rotation

Kim began her co-op work term at BlackBerry despite having never applied for the position. This opportunity sparked her interest in tech, which resulted in an extension and job rotation. In this article, Kim presents 3 reasons why you too should accept a co-op extension and job rotation.

Imran Kanji at Blackberry
Heading Out East: Why You Should Go Away For Co-op

If you’ve only been looking for co-op placements in the Greater Vancouver area, here’s why you should definitely reconsider.

Timothy So at Blackberry in Waterloo, ON
An Arts Student in Tech

Timothy So is an Economics student who worked as a Statistical Methods Analyst at Blackberry. Read on to get a taste of what his position would entail. 

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