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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Bunch of work people running
5 Reasons Why You Should Mention Playing Sports in an Interview

Learn how those years of recreational sports can help you land the job of your dreams! 

Image of a fish swimming in water
A Fish on Land: Adjusting to a Company’s Work Culture

Nervous heart palpitations, a piercing adrenaline rush, and a case of the stutters; like many Co-op students on their first day at work, I had just been asked to present an introductory speech in front of my colleagues.

US President and First Lady meeting with the Queen
First Impressions Matter – Here’s How to Make Yours Count!

First impressions are important, especially in the workplace. Your employer will be judging you based on how you present yourself – at all times! It may seem scary, but I’ll show you how to ace that first meeting!

International Invite Turned into a Dual-Self-Directed Co-op

Pamela Plantinga, BPK Behavioural Neuroscience student, took advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime invitation to a paid trip abroad and augmented it into a self-directed short-term dual internship experience in Nashville, Tennessee before going further abroad to Europe.

A photo of the author
“What Did You Just Say?”: How to Communicate in a Foreign Country

Worried about the difficulties you may face while trying to communicate in a foreign country? I hope these 5 tips can be of some sort of encouragement! 화이팅!

Top view of SFU
Volunteering with SFU Residence and Housing

As a person living on campus, Shayne was looking for ways to get involved with SFU and ended up finding leadership opportunities that took her from her dorm to all around Vancouver! Read about her experiences with SFU Residence and Housing!

An image of Samantha at work with her colleagues
Samantha’s Journey to Japan

Samantha went to Japan through the Canada Japan Co-op Program and worked at Kao Corporation as a co-op student. Find out what it took for Samantha to settle into her life in Japan.

three women laughing at a beach
SFU Passion Club

For this week’s Club of the Week Spotlight, Janelle interviews Niyanta, president of SFU Passion Club.  Learn more about the club which provides various self-development workshops for young women!

Photo of Celia
Interview Tips: Presenting Your Weaknesses Like a Pro

Celia Walters is creating some great content in her marketing role at TPD™ - an international Workforce and HR Solutions company! Check out the latest installment of her series on how to answer the most challenging of interview questions.

Picture of Big Sister and Little Sister blowing on dandelions
Mentoring with Big Sisters: More Than Just Volunteering

On the one hand, being a Big Sister can lead to great potential benefit for the youth, but on the other hand, perhaps you’re worried if you would make a great Big Sister. Here is Evelyn's take on the matter.

Picture of an empty board room
5 Benefits of Joining an Executive Board

There are many benefits to joining an Executive Board, here are five you might discover at SFU or beyond!

How to be Productive in 6 Steps

Do you feel like you have control over your life? Do you feel empowered as you walk out the door to conquer whatever comes your way? I have a secret to share with you and the good news is that it’s incredibly simple. In this article I share how to be productive, how not to focus on being busy, and why that is important.

Person standing on top of a cliff
Killer Content: Make Your Resume Stand out with Accomplishment Statements

You have an excellent layout and consistent format to your resume.  Your design elements are eye catching while still being subtle and appropriate for the job.  All of this will be of no use if your content is not reflective of someone who has taken the time to fully explain his or her skills and experiences.

Two bosses
The Other Side of the Desk: Interview Tips From an Interviewer's Perspective

Ever wonder what an interviewer is thinking during your interview? Here’s Bernice to give you a sneak peek thanks to her experience on an SFSS hiring committee!

Lucia sitting at an office desk
It’s Never Too Late to Start Over

Figuring out your dream career can take several years as you try new things, meet interesting people and learn more about yourself. After five years in an established career, co-op became a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to start over, change career lanes, and gain amazing work experience as a Student Engagement Program Coordinator at SFU.

A photo of the author
5 Tips on Preparing Your Communication Plan

When I had the opportunity to attend the International Association of Business Communicators’ (IABC/BC’s) Communication Planning 101 Workshop, I jumped at the chance to learn a little more about strategic communication and writing a communication plan.

Combination of thank you messages
How Seeing Less Helped Me See More

Finding out about an incurable genetic disease is definitely a game changer. With the right attitude it can be change in the right direction as I was able to get involved with CNIB (Canadian National Institute For The Blind) and support a new community of inspiring individuals.

The author and her team at a banquet hall
The Inside Scoop: Working at CGA-BC and CPABC

Jennifer Johnson is a 4th year business student concentrating in Marketing with a Corporate Social Responsibility Certificate.  She reflects on what it was like to work at CGA-BC and CPABC as a Marketing Assistant where she worked on large scale event planning.

Best Practices for Company Research

Job searching? Starting out in an industry? Switching careers? Exploring your options? There are many reasons we need to do company and industry research in our professional lives. You may need these skills when exploring new industries or fields, creating a job application or preparing for an interview.


Picture of Jeremy Wong at Mancakes Bakery
The Frosting on the Cake - How to Start Your Business Before You Graduate

Jeremy Wong, founder of Mancakes Bakery, is living proof that for entrepreneurs their phone is their office and their office is wherever they are. I had a chance to catch up with Jeremy recently and hear about his journey and future plans to revolutionize the dessert industry. 

Picture of puzzle pieces
Is the Job a Good Fit For You?

Can you tell whether a job will be one that helps you wake up happy or one you would eventually dream of quitting? There are actually some telltale signs that can help you understand the job and company culture to give you a better idea of the fit.

Person holding a pen to write on papers scattered on a desk
5 Reasons to Consider “The Little Guys” for Your Next Co-op Search

Have you ever considered working for a small firm?  Nick Pochailo, a fourth year business student spent eight months working in a small firm and realized he reaped many benefits from a small firm that he might not have at a large firm.  Read on to find out why you should consider a small firm for your co-op.

My Co-op Experience at a Chiropractic Office

Read about Harpeet's co-op experience as a Therapy and Office Assistant at DesLauriers Chiropractic Group Inc and find out how this experience has helped them gain valuable lifelong skills. 

Smiling portrait of Daniel
How I Became First Author for a Research Paper During my Co-op

Daniel Paulino expected to be the intern that got coffee for the office. He surprised everyone, especially himself when he developed top-performing software and wrote a research paper in his eight-month co-op at Genome Science Centre. Find out how he did it.

Two men judging the camera
8 Interview Tips For Impressing a Hiring Manager

Did you know that according to some statistics, up to 33% of managers know within the first 90 seconds of an interview whether or not they will hire someone? Learn how to ace your interview from beginning to end with these 8 great tips.

Kendra teaching a class
How I Stepped Out of my Comfort Zone and Embraced Life Abroad

Looking to maximize your time abroad and integrate with locals, but nervous to take the first few steps? Read on to learn how Kendra broke through their personal barriers, and the advice they have for future travellers to make the most of their work term overseas.

Candice smiling with a view of Barcelona in the background
Living and Working Abroad in Barcelona, Spain

Are you looking into working abroad for your co-op?  Business student, Candice Woods shares what she learned in her co-op and how to combat homesickness based on her experience working in Barcelona, Spain for her co-op.

A handshake during an interview
6 Soft Skills that Make You More Competitive to Employers

There is no exam to test you on these skills, no research paper to write or case study to examine – yet these skills are incredibly important to your future role as an employee.  Can you guess what skills we are talking about?

ian and coworkers in scrubs
Ian's International Co-op in Mexico: Babies, Mothers, and Hearts

When Ian first came to SFU, Ian was a student in the Biological Sciences program. After their first year, they realized that they didn't just want to study living organisms, they wanted to learn about the human body. So at the end of their first year, they found themselves transfering to the Biomedical Physiology program.

people dancing in smoke made by smoke machine
SFU Dance Marathon

Next in the SFU Club of the Week Spotlight, Emily interviews Jordan and Sandali, co-directors of SFU Dance Marathon, an event to raise money for BC Children's Hospital.

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