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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Have a great story to share?  Pitch it to our editors.

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Lea sitting on a bench on the docks having lunch with three other people
Who Here Thinks Science Is Cool?!

From chemical reactions that hit the roof of our lecture halls, to trips to remote regions of Northern BC, this is an account of some anecdotes and experiences of my first co-op term, working for Science AL!VE in the summer of 2014, teaching children about the field of study that I love myself.  This is part 1 of 4 of the "Science Al!ve Insider" series.

Books about Toastmasters
Toastmasters: Speak Up for Your Career!

Do you want to become a better communicator and leader? Do you want to gain confidence in public speaking? You may want to consider SFU’s own Burnaby Mountain Toastmasters Club, an opportunity for the general public to gather together and prepare for interview settings, job and career development, and general group environments. 

Tesla's headquarters in Palo Alto
Preparing for a Summer in Silicon Valley | Part One
Ian Brown shares both his experience working at Tesla Motors and Edwin Chand’s experience working at Apple and their general thoughts about going to California to intern for co-op. Ian and Edwin are both recently graduated from engineering, and share their perspective on relocating to California for a co-op position. In this article, Ian describes the preparation and going to California.
An email graphic
Improving Your Email Communication Skills: The Importance of Specificity

Email communication is a critical skill in many jobs. Business student Helen Bowman shares tips on how to efficiently and effectively communicate through email, based on what she learned during her co-op at SAP.

A photo of the author
How to Research a Company: What to Look For

“ALWAYS do research on the company you are interviewing with.”

Marena and two co-workers
Marena Brinkhurst

Read about Indigenous Research Institutes scholar Marena Brinkhurst and her work in Interdisciplinary and intercultural approaches to community-based land-use planning.

Picture of book and calculator
Why Being a Tutor Can Help You Become a Better Student

Ever wanted to become a tutor? Find out why being a tutor can actually help you become a better student.   

Not Your Typical Science Co-op

As a Biomedical Physiology major, Kirsten always imagined a co-op placement in a lab research of some sort or a hospital. However, working as a admin assistant at a physiotherapy clinic has changed this thought dramatically. Read about Kirsten's co-op journey to find out more! 

Clubs day at SFU
Be A Leader in Your Club!

Already involved in a club? Why not take it a step further and become a club executive! Loren goes through 4 reasons to consider taking on a leadership role in a student club or association. 

A woman jumping at sunset
Margaret’s Co-op Experience: Two Job Positions with One Stone

Find out how Margaret takes on a challenging co-op experience in unfamiliar territory as a student kinesiologist with CBI Health. 

Image of Miranda
Avoid Sucking During Your Work Term

When trying to get hired, I hardly considered the prospect of actually working. I was more concerned with building professional resumes and appearing impressive at interviews. Upon landing my first co-op, however, I suddenly realized that I would need to perform in a strange, new environment – one I knew nothing about!

How to Apply the Skills from our Volunteer Experiences to Future Careers

As a follow up to Kim's article, "Employability Skills You Can Gain Through Volunteering," read how those three key employability skills could be applied to a future career! Let us know: How would these skills apply to your own dream job?

Large white clock cropped to show the hours 12 to 4
5 Steps to Effective Time Management
Public Relations Intern Kelly shares 5 strategies to accomplishing deadlines and effective time management.
A photo of the author against a blue backdrop
Success in Failure

At first, the news was so devastating and heartbreaking ...

a girl jotting down notes in front of her computer screen
Finding the Right Job

Are you a Computing Science Co-op Student and wondering what the right job is for you?  How do you decide what the right job is for you, especially when software is becoming a huge part of every industry? Dylan breaks down “finding the right job”. This is part four of four.

a flatlay of different ingredients
The Ingredients of an Effective Engineer

How do you go from coursework to real-world projects? Dylan shares how his courses and co-op have helped him to be a better engineer.  This is part three of four.

Picture of puzzle pieces
Three Strategies to Make Any Employer Want to Hire You

Are you thinking of getting a job but don't know where to start? Have you been sending out hundreds of resumes but never heard back from anyone? Check out these 3 simple strategies that will make you look so good that any employer will want to hire you.

Road sign with a question mark
Back to the Future: Career Edition

If given the opportunity to go back in time, based on what I have discovered interning at SFU Career Services, I would offer my younger self three pieces of advice. Hopefully you can also learn from my experiences and have a smoother transition. 

five people smiling from the Love Your Neighbour club
Love Your Neighbour

This week's SFU Club of the Week is the SFU Chapter of Love Your Neighbour. Here's a spotlight on this club that has expanded to offer local and international opportunities for students.

2 men having a conversation at a table

Are you a Computing Science Student about to be interviewed?  Dylan shares interview tips, personal anecdotes, and learn how to prepare yourself for your next interview.  This is part two of five.

Hand pushing a button
A Push To Commit

Not sure what career path you want to take? Computing Science Co-op Student, Cody Santos, was not sure either.  Read about his first co-op term at Mobidia and what he learned because of his experience there.

the author's portrait
Meet Dylan

Meet Dylan, a fourth-year computing science student at Simon Fraser University with over a year of co-op experience spanning two large companies: SAP and Electronic Arts. He shares his unique perspective on Computing Science Co-op and offers advice for students on topics such as interview techniques and software engineering tips.  This post is part one of four.

SFU students looking at their laptop
A Letter to A Reader

Why do you volunteer? There are many reasons why people volunteer for both professional and personal reasons. This is a personal article on why I volunteer at specific organizations. 

Students in a classroom
What Volunteering Can Do For You That Classrooms Can't

Academics are certainly important, but volunteering can certainly help you in other aspects of your life, both personally and professionally. Nicola explains some key benefits to gain from volunteering.

View of Hancheon Elementary School where Corina taught
TaLK in Korea

Third year Business student, Corina Inigo, shares about her co-op experience with Teach and Learn in Korea (TaLK).  She discusses what TaLK is all about and also shares personal anecdotes from her teaching experience. 

Shot of a police building from an aerial view
Accounting with the RCMP

Joey Mak: Fighting crime one journal entry at a time. Business student Joey Mak worked an eight month co-op with the RCMP, gaining enriching experiences. From processing salary reconciliations to conversing with officers at the Pacific RCMP Headquarters with a little bit of database management and programming in the middle, this co-op experience had it all.

Student meeting with an advisor
Employability Skills You Can Gain Through Volunteering

How does volunteering help your employability? Kim goes through a few of the top skills that you can gain from volunteering that will also help you as a working employee.

logo of Her Campus at Simon Fraser University
Campus Chapter Spotlight: Her Campus SFU

Are you looking for opportunities to share the pictures you have taken? Are you interested in developing your writing skills? Are you curious about writing for a magazine? Learn more about Her Campus, an online campus magazine, and how it got relaunched this year!

Picture of person look at the apps on their phone; instagram, facebook
The Social Media Network (SFUSMN)

This week, Emily features The Social Media Network as the SFU Club of the Week. Read about how their activities aim to increase students' professional social media prowess!

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