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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Have a great story to share?  Pitch it to our editors.

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Christina with her friends
Language Maintenance

Christina Coolidge is an Indigenous Program researcher with Career Services at SFU.  In this four-part series she shares how Indigenous women are the keepers of language and discusses various issues and topics around language in the Indigenous community.  This is the third post of the four part series.

a student is asking his professor/coach for advise
Can I Have Your Number (For a Reference)?

Will your next volunteer organizer remember you? Our human nature is we lose some memories. But there are strategies to keep your references strong. This is an article on the importance of gathering references.

Chat bubbles
Language Loss

Christina Coolidge is an Indigenous Program researcher with Career Services at SFU.  In this four-part series she shares how Indigenous women are the keepers of language and discusses various issues and topics around language in the Indigenous community.  This is the second post of the four part series.

Portrait of Christina
Lost in Technical Translation: How to Succeed in an Unfamiliar Environment

We’ve all been put into situations where we have felt lost, unsure, or unfamiliar with our surroundings. Here are a few tips to help you make the best of a new or unfamiliar corporate environment.

Kelly smiles next to a graphic that says, "Maximize Your Co-op".
5 Ways to Maximize Your Co-op Experience

Want to make the most of your work term and thrive in the position? Public Relations Intern Kelly shares 5 tips on maximizing your Co-op experience. 

Cree symbols
The Keepers of Language

Christina Coolidge is an Indigenous Program researcher with Career Services at SFU.  In this four-part series she shares how Indigenous women are the keepers of language and discusses various issues and topics around language in the Indigenous community.  This is the first of the four part series.

Image of Kelly
5 Ways to Maximize Your Co-op Experience

Want to make the most of your work term and thrive in the position? Public Relations Intern Kelly shares 5 tips on maximizing your Co-op experience.

Keep track picture
Keeping Track of your Volunteerism

Are you making sure to keep a record of your Volunteer involvement? It is more important that you think!

Anju Chhokar
How to Balance School, Work And Life While Still Enjoying the Summer Sun

Ever feel overwhelmed by all of your responsibilities in the summer months? Check out this helpful list for guidance!

Seagull on a beach
Using Your Vacation to Develop Your Career

Statistics professional Eric Cai used part of his recent vacation to learn Python programming, and found it a great way to further his skillset while keeping his mind sharp. He encourages students to consider devoting part of their next vacation towards professional development.

View of BC Cancer Research Center from W 10th Avenue looking North
Branching Out and Standing Out at the BC Cancer Agency

Working in a huge building can be intimidating and make you feel very small, especially as a temporary Co-op student. Check out what Josh did to make sure everyone in the BC Cancer Research Center knew who he was!

Interview Illustration
Turning the Tables During Co-op Interviews: How to Showcase Yourself as the Candidate They Want

A lack of confidence can make you feel like you are getting raked over the coals in an interview. Learn what you can do to flip the situation on your interviewers in order to look like a pro and learn what they are really looking for in an employee.

Portrait of Laura
Applying Communication Skills in the Workplace

Ever wondered how your academic Communication skills stack up in the workplace? Co-op student Laura Tuturas sheds insight into how Communications prepared her for her workterm at ZE Powergroup.

William Thomas
Ergonomic Exploration

Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology students often find themselves lost in the hazy fog of physiotherapy, med school, chiropractic’s and post-graduate studies.  New graduates can find salvation in a challenging, but rewarding field that calls upon the creative and the technical sides of an individual. Read on to learn about working in the field of Ergonomics.

group of three students having a discussion
SFU Student Marketing Association (SMA)

In the second part of her series, Emily highlights the Student Marketing Association and how they help students connect with the exciting field of Marketing!

Evgeny and colleagues
Improving Professionally and Personally

Evgeny not only met his goals professionally at Broadcom, but he was able to improve in more ways than he could imagine - including meeting his personal goals and growing as an individual. In this four part blog series, Evgeny shares with us his co-op experience at Broadcom. 

A painting made by Evengy
Staying Motivated

Evgeny not only met his goals professionally at Broadcom, but he was able to improve in more ways than he could imagine - including meeting his personal goals and growing as an individual. In this four part blog series, Evgeny shares with us his co-op experience at Broadcom. 

Evgeny and colleagues
Finding Your Strengths

Sometimes in a co-op position, you might not get tasks that you absolutely love.  Make the most of it as Evgeny did, Evgeny went from feeling this way to having his co-workers ask for his advice! Read about his experience in this four part blog series! 

an ibm logo
My Second Work Term at IBM

Patrick started his career as an elementary school teacher and now he is completing SFU’s Computing Science Second degree program. Patrick shares his experience of transitioning from teacher to computing science, his first co-op at Malaspina, and here he shares his second co-op experience.

image of the author
Training for the Role

Leo Ng is a fifth-year BBA candidate in the SFU Beedie co-op program.  He worked at Canada Revenue Agency for 8 months. He shares what it was like to train for his role as a Taxpayer Services Agent.

a CRA directory
Learning on the Job

Leo Ng is a fifth-year BBA candidate in the SFU Beedie co-op program who worked for Canada Revenue Agency for 8 months. In this article of his three-part series, he shares his experience learning on the job.

tax papers with a coffee mug next to it

Leo Ng is a fifth-year BBA candidate in the SFU Beedie co-op program who worked at for Canada Revenue Agency for 8 months. He shares what training is like, learning on the job, and in this article, he shares his overall reflections on what it was like to work as a Taxpayer Services Agent.

The Honest Truth: What it Takes to Land a Co-op Job

After working for a year with Arts and Communications Co-op here at SFU, I’ve seen students land amazing Co-op opportunities, and I’ve also seen students struggle when it comes to following through, and landing the job. Here are a couple of truth bombs from yours truly that I hope will help you buck up and land a Co-op job.

Logo images Evengy created
My Journey to Broadcom

Did you know the School of Computing Science has a co-op program for graduate students?  Evgeny was thrilled when he found out and because of the program, he was able to land a job with everything he was looking for at Broadcom. Read about his experience in this four part blog series! 

Picture of a man staring out to nature
Voluntourism (Pt 1): Things To Consider When Pairing Volunteering With Travel!

Have you heard the phrase 'Voluntourism' being thrown around lately? Check out one student's take on what you should consider before leaving the country to volunteer.

a work space set up with a big computer screen
From Teaching to Computing Science

Patrick started his career as an elementary school teacher and now he is completing SFU’s Computing Science Second degree program.  He shares how he got there and how co-op has been a great help!

image of a developer working
My First Work Term at Malaspina Labs

Patrick started his career as an elementary school teacher and now he is completing SFU’s Computing Science Second degree program. He shares how he got to the program and how co-op has been a great help!

a panel of recruiters facing the candidates
I Volunteer As… a Recruit?

Have you ever thought volunteer opportunities can lead to your next job opportunity? One of the best ways to land your next job is to volunteer. This is an article on using volunteer opportunities as a strategic tool to get your next paid position.

Natalie smiling
Discovering Public Relations: The Beauty of a Practicum

Do you think practicums are not worthwhile? Think again! Natalie did her practicum at Elettra Communications for the SFU PR Certificate and she lists 3 reasons why practicums are worthwhile.

Kay Sze
Go With the Flow, Opportunity Will Come

As a co-op student you often get a lot of advice about the value of research based or industry based co-op. According to Kay, sometimes we just need to sort out which one suits each individual best. Read on to learn about her experience with both research based and industry based co-op positions.

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