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Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?

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Changing Times: Stories to Inspire Hope and Resilience


Staying Productive While Working Remotely for a Health Authority

Working from home is a common reality for many Co-op students in the past year. Working from home while working for a Health Authority in the thick of the pandemic is a tremendous experience Kaylla went through last year. Take a look at how she learned to stay productive in these uncertain times.

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Chesa and coworkers surrounding a mascot fox
Berlin Start-Up Life

"All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveller is unaware". Chesa went all the way to Berlin for her co-op term. She's currently working at an ever-growing mobile app start-up and loving every minute. The experience has shown her what opportunities can be possible when you open yourself to the world.

Students protesting with sign that reads idle no more
SFU Idle No More

Although the Idle No More movement may appear to have disappeared from national media coverage it is still active in many communities including that of Simon Fraser University. On Monday, April 8th SFU students, alumni, faculty and staff came together to hold an Idle No More rally at the Burnaby campus.

FNSA: Aboriginal Criminology Series

Fourth year student, Alissa Derrick worked with the FNSA to present an Aboriginal Criminolgy series, based on the Rethinking Justice conference presented by the Pacific and Business Law Institute. Read about how she organized the event and what she hopes it will achieve.

5 Tips for Staying Motivated on the Job

Samantha Luo spent her co-op term at Olson & Company Chartered Accountants. While there she learned about the importance of self-starting and keeping yourself motivated with minimal supervision. She now has five tips on getting work done and beating procrastination.

David at a Japanese tourist location
Going International With CJCP
Considering going International for your next Co-op experience? Read about how David went to Japan to utilize his engineering experience with the Canada Japan Co-op Program.
Idle no more
SFU Idle No More

Although the Idle No More movement may appear to have disappeared from national media coverage it is still active in many communities including that of Simon Fraser University. On Monday, April 8th SFU students, alumni, faculty and staff came together to hold an Idle No More rally at the Burnaby campus.

Angela Semple Smiling
Angela Semple’s Career Story

Angela writes about coming to SFU, the Indigenous connections she found, and how her job search found her back in the New Student Enrollment and Transition department.

Silver Nanowires Lead to Publication for Co-op Students

Undergraduate student Tanminder Rai and fellow student Paolo Dantes worked at SFU’s Functional Materials Engineering Lab under the supervision of assistant professor Woo Soo Kim. Read on to find out what this co-op experience was like for them! 

Students sitting near SFU Koi pond
Ever-Changing Goals: A Co-op Reflection

The idea of an out-of-town 12 month co-op may have intimidated me at one point, but now looking back, I realize just how much I have gained by taking on something that I initially perceived as a challenge.

A row of phones
Calling It What It Is

When it comes to careers, a lot of people think of themselves as having a "calling" towards something. What does this mean, and is it even helpful? Some recent research gives us some clues.

Kamilah and a woman standing
Public Affairs at the US Consulate

Ever wondered what a job at the US Consulate in Vancouver would look like? Kamilah certainly did! Take a peak at Kamilah's co-op experience at the US Consulate General in Vancouver and the exciting opportunities they were offered in this position! 

Connaught Building
Tax Season at Canada Revenue Agency

“Professionalism, Cooperation, Respect, and Integrity are not only instilled in the organization but in myself as well." Read on to find out more about what Paul learned about during his eight months at the Canada Revenue Agency. 

Carey and coworkers smiling together
My Journey With TaLK: Bumpy and Uncertain Beginnings

The TaLK program offers an incredible opportunity to live and work in Korea as an english teacher to a group of Korean speaking elementary school students. One SFU student is currently teaching in Korea, and shares her experience with us.

Image of the Author sitting on a rock overlooking the ocean
Building Your Wings: Jeannette's Unforgettable Bolivian Experience

Jeannette Friesen went to Bolvia with the Students for Development program, where she worked with the Solidarity and Free Trade Movement. While there she learned about the importance of culture and came home more motivated then ever to pursue her goals in international relations.

Sharvin and coworkers standing in their worksite for a photo
Hardware Engineering Co-op at Broadcom
Working at Broadcom over the past 16 months as a Hardware Engineering co-op student has been both challenging and rewarding. The time has been filled with lots of exciting, challenging, and hard work; yet it has also been filled with lots of fun and memorable experiences. This is the kind of company that every SFU engineering student should strive to work for!
View of Hong Kong
Pursuing an International Co-op in Hong Kong: HSBC Global Banking and Markets

Mario Fong travelled to Hong Kong to join the HSBC trainee program through International Co-op. Dropping everything to live in a new country provided him with personal and professional experiences he won't soon forget.

Image of a person lying down with people standing on top
Sean's International Experience in Bolivia

SFU's International Co-op department interviewed Sean Sager fresh from his three-month term in Bolvia, where he worked with Students for Development as a Development Intern,  promoting and teaching the fundamentals of community economic development to local community leaders in Bolivia.

Junfeng Xian at a party
Defining a Career Path with Broadcom Corporation

Like most undergrads, JunFeng wasn't sure what he wanted to do after graduation. This all changed when he did an 8-month co-op with Broadcom and later extended it for another 8 months. Read about his experience to find out more!  

two women staring at a laptop screen having a conversation
The End of Round 2: Decision Time

After having had 3 interviews, Natalie realized that she would be happy with any of the jobs. Now, what does she do when two still are deciding, and one calls her and asks her to decide within 24 hours?

Picture of the maple leaf
Opportunities From Coast to Coast

To grow your career you need to know what’s available where you are! Checkout what’s happening in your own area. Opportunities for growth differ in various sectors across the country, and career trends are always changing, so you need to keep up.

a woman shaking hands with her colleagues
My Best Job Interview?

Ending the interview on a positive note and leaving the room with confidence. Natalie goes on her third interview. For this job interview she has relevant experience and hopes this will work to her advantage. Read more to learn about Natalie's experience.

Cars rushing by on highway
Kevin's Calgary Adventure: A Successful Co-op Story

Read about Kevin's co-op adventure at SNC Lavalin in Calgary and the lessons he's learnt along the way

UNYA logo
Urban Native Youth Association

The Urban Native Youth Association works to provide meaningful opportunities for Native Youth. With almost 100 staff working within 21 programs they are always looking for talented and dynamic people to join the team. Find out more.

Urban Native Youth Association
Urban Native Youth Association

The Urban Native Youth Association works to provide meaningful opportunities for Native Youth. With almost 100 staff working within 21 programs they are always looking for talented and dynamic people to join the team. Find out more...

a closeup shot of a suede messenger bag on top of an individual's lap
And Round Two Begins: Preparation Is Key

Have you been asked to prepare a presentation and write an exam on top of your typical interview for your next job? Read on to find out more about Natalie's experience with this new job interview format and her key take-away lessons for you.

NENAS banner and logo
NENAS: North East Native Advancing Society

Have you thought about what you will do when you return to your community with your degree? NENAS can provide advice regarding planning for your future when you return home to your community through community asset mapping.

Jason Yeh and his friend posing behind a tree
15 Things You Should Keep Doing No Matter What | Part One

As we continue our journey through life, we experience a myriad of events, emotions, and people. Some of these we bump into regularly because of their worth. Here are 15 things you should keep doing no matter what.

Winnie and her different emotions
To Set Better Goals, Ask: Who Do You Want To Be?

Have a love-hate relationship with goal setting? Join the club! In this article, learn about an alternative approach to personal development, centered around the question, “who do you want to be?”

Picture of KELVIN
Behind The Scenes: Interviewing CTV’s Kelvin Redvers | Part One

Career stories are often fascinating, and Kelvin Redvers’ story is no exception. An SFU alumnus, Kelvin shares how he maneuvered his way into his dream job—Aboriginal filmmaker and television producer at CTV—a mere three months after he convocated. This is part 1 of a 2-part series.

Portrait of Kevin Redvers
Behind The Scenes: Interviewing CTV's Kelvin Redvers | Part Two

An avid watcher of HBO and AMC hit shows like Dexter, Game of Thrones and Mad Men, I often daydreamed about what it would be like to work in the film and television industry. Lucky for me, I was able to interview Kelvin Redvers, a young television producer at CTV. This is part 2 of a 2-part series.

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