your curiosity and expand your knowledge
Welcome to the Explore page! The OLC encourages a range of voices, experiences and opportunities because we know that you have a variety of experiences to relate to, or have yet to learn from. This page allows you to explore your specific interests, faculty, and needs with ease. Not only can you explore your interests, but each page includes the ability to add interests to your homepage. Enjoy your journey through the OLC; we hope you find something new!
Q & A's
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Scroll through and catch up on the latest from the SFU OLC. You're bound to find a fresh new perspective, the most current advice, and recently published stories which are sure to inspire you.
Q & A's
Browse through the OLC’s extensive Topics page. On this page, you will be able to add topics to your interests that will curate your homepage content.
Q & A's
Browse through the various Faculties of SFU. On this page, you will be able to find your own faculty and read faculty-specific content.
Q & A's
Explore the Programs offered by SFU such as Co-operative Education or Health and Counseling. Find Program-specific content and stories to learn from!
Inspiration Gallery
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