In Summer 2010, Cici Chenliu, a Kinesiology student, went to Ghana with Projects Abroad for a month to work as an intern at a local hospital. Check out her life changing experience working in the ward and exploring the beautiful cities of Ghana.
Projects Abroad
In her final edition to the series, Kerri Jang finds herself reminiscing about her top memorable moments in Moldova. From an all-night fishing trip to at times being the only person of Asian descent on the scene, Kerri heads home with more than just memories.
Journey through Moldova with BPK student Kerri Jang in this five part series. In this article, Kerri moves from the city into a village in Moldova, she finds herself surrounded by animals and fruit trees as she lives with a host family, while organizing wheelchair basketball and tennis through The Motivatie Association.
Journey through Moldova with BPK student Kerri Jang in this five part series. In this article, Kerri was able to observe her first real-life surgery. Read on to find out what this experience was like!
Part two of the series finds Kerri Jang, volunteer with Projects Abroad, spending time in a city of parallels; Chisinau, in Moldova. Having never experienced a surgery before, Kerri ventures into unknown territory during her adventures in some of the city's hospitals.
Journey through Moldova, a small country situated between Romania and Ukraine with Kerri Jang as she volunteers with a medical project in Moldova's capital and a care project in the nearby village of Vadul lui Voda this five part series. In this article, Kerri begins her journey in Moldova!