In terms of preparation for my Study Abroad, SFU had a Canvas course with such valuable information. When I went to Italy, I needed to get a visa through the Italian Consulate located in downtown Vancouver. I additionally prepared by practicing some Italian, looking into how much living in Milan would cost, getting insurance, as well as seeing if the school and its courses aligned with my interests and values and if they would be transferable at SFU.
Previous Experience
I had done a Study Abroad previously in high school in Melbourne, Australia, so I was not completely unfamiliar with living in a new place on my own. However, my Study Abroad experience in Australia was not as long, with a duration of only 3 months. In addition, in Australia I lived with a host family, so I had a lot more support. Being in Italy was my first time staying away from home for so long and going on my own. It was a new experience, and I was excited for the experience to immerse myself in a new country on my own.
Preparation Tips for Future Students
Preparation tips I would give future Study Abroad students would be to immerse yourself. Appreciate the differences from back home, fully embrace being somewhere new even if it is different- as they say, “When in Rome…!” It can be scary and intimidating to go somewhere totally different and unlike home, but studying abroad will give you such clarity on who you are what you think of the world and open your eyes to new perspectives. It is an unforgettable experience. You will meet people from all walks of life who come from situations and places much different from yours. You will build bonds with people all over the world. It is an experience truly of a lifetime!