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Interview Question Database

Do you have experience in educational planning for youth? What kind of activities did you plan?


Answer Tips

Answer Tips

Give detail. What age were the youth? What were the activities - be specific. If you know, did they work well? If yes, what made them a success do you think?
Answer Tips

Answer Tips

Give detail. What age were the youth? What were the activities - be specific. If you know, did they work well? If yes, what made them a success do you think? 

Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a challenging youth. How did you handle the situation and what was the result?

Assessing conflict resolution skills, relationship management, and relating to youth.

Answer Tips

Answer Tips

Use the STAR technique - Situation, Action, Task, Result. Pick a time and tell a story that demonstrates your problem solving ability and good judgement.

How open are you to being a role model to individuals in very different living situations and lifestyles to what you are used to?


Answer Tips

How open are you to being a role model to individuals in very different living situations and lifestyles to what you are used to?

They will want to see if you have a non-judgemental attitude to those who are different to you.

Answer Tips

Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a difficult youth. How did you handle the situation and what was the result?

Assessing conflict resolution skills, relationship management, and relating to youth.

Answer Tips

Answer Tips

Use the STAR technique - Situation, Action, Task, Result. Pick a time and tell a story that demonstrates your problem solving ability and good judgement.