As a Mini BIG Fair Ambassador, I try to engage students and get them to talk and network with recruiters. I will also help out with other duties when things get busy, which is good because I like to do different activities. Sometimes, it’s hard to approach students, but if you find the right way to do it, you can really get people talking and engaged. I like to volunteer in a variety of roles.
I was at the Relay for Life event, which raises awareness for cancer, and I met another volunteer there who was in her first year. I asked her if she was in the Student Ambassador Program, and she didn’t even know about the program even though she was volunteering for an SAP sponsored event. She wanted to volunteer at more events like Relay for Life, so I highly encouraged her to join the Student Ambassador Program because they offer a variety of short term positions and opportunities.
I think volunteering offers good opportunities for us to try different positions and see what we like. Just apply – try it out and be open minded. If you are not looking for a long term volunteer position, check out the Student Ambassador Program to find something you might want to do. It’s really helpful!