In the summer of 2011, four SFU Health Sciences Co-op students, Martyna, Silvia, Lindsay and Christine went on an INCREDIBLE 4-month work term to India. Working with Destiny Reflection, an organization whose goal is to empower female victims of human trafficking to become self-sufficient through dignified employment. Their blog series, SFU Health Sciences Takes India!, captures some of the experiences on their life changing journey.
Destiny Reflection was founded in 2007 by Smarita Sengupta and Becky Bavinger, two friends who shared a common goal of empowering female victims of human trafficking to become self-sufficient through dignified employment.
Immediately after being rescued from brothel houses, these victims are brought to shelters sponsored by the government. One of the biggest problems is that these women have little education and few skills with which to acquire employment.
Every woman deserves opportunities. Destiny Reflection provides a safe environment and well-paid employment. All of the women at Destiny are either victims of trafficking or are at high risk of being sexually exploited. Many of them had been sold by their families at a young age. Once rescued, they were not welcomed back in their homes, faced social stigma, and had difficulty reintegrating back into society. Destiny Reflection has not only become their work place, but also their loving community.
Our aim is to economically empower women who are victims of human trafficking or those at high risk of sexual exploitation so that they may become independent. Destiny Reflection accomplishes
- Providing the final step towards recovery
- Training women with skills in sewing and block printing
- Offering creative employment opportunities
- Supplying a fair living wage
- Creating a healthy positive community
For more information:
Website -
Facebook - Destiny Foundation/Reflection
E-mail -
Phone - +91 33 40644132
Beyond the Blog
Learn more about Destiny Reflections
Follow Silvia, Christine, Martyna and Lindsay's Co-op journey in India through their blog series: SFU Health Sciences Takes India!
Find out more about the opportunities available through International Co-op