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Stories of Engagement

Stories of Engagement

SFU Stories

to reflect on your experiences, learn from others and perhaps inspire you to try something new?

Welcome to the Stories of Engagement page: the page that showcases all of the incredible content created by or for students. The OLC recognizes there are many ways to tell a great story. We hope you get lost listening to a podcast, reading blogs with stories of adventures near and far or seeing our short form stories of inspiration - SFU Stories. We welcome you to read, learn, listen and then consider contributing your story! 

Q & A's


Being one of OLC's classic storytelling tools, blogs are crafted by SFU Community members which include the everyday student as well as expert voices. This is where we share touching stories, resourceful advice, and insightful knowledge with each other. In keeping with the OLC vision, the following blogs are created by and for students, so why not contribute to the OLC today?


Q & A's

SFU Stories

SFU Stories are visually based Instagram-stye shorts on an SFU experience with the goal to connect, educate and inspire the SFU Community. Stories are contributed by SFU students, staff, faculty and alumni with several university-wide initiatives. They can be searched and filtered using SFU specific terms and shared/streamed onto SFU social accounts and websites.

SFU Stories
SFU Video Stories

Q & A's


There are many ways to extend your learning while at SFU. Students share reflections on their experiences along with tips & strategies.


Q & A's


Stories: audio-style. Podcasts are an excellent way to encourage dialogue and inspire new ideas, which is why we have a whole page dedicated to them. Take a listen, learn something new, and start a conversation!


Inspiration Gallery

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