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EAL Your Workplace Strengths


Your Workplace Strengths

Looking for work in Canada can be challenging for everyone. All job seekers need to know their strengths. If English is not your first language, you may think you face some barriers to finding a job but if you focus on your strengths and talents, you will see more possibilities. Below you will find resources to help you become more confident in your talents and strengths. These also include stories and personal experiences of SFU students like you!

Learning and Adaptability
A photo of the author
The Way You See The World: Culture and Communication

Communication and interaction are fundamental parts of everyday life and a person’s ability to communicate and interact has a major impact on their well-being, happiness, and success. In this post, Akanksha shares her own experiences at the intersection of culture and communication.

A person flexing
Just Like Bunko: Learning Strengths

Everyone has weaknesses. But its focusing on your strengths that grant you success in life.

It Starts Within You

Bomee Hwang is a Business student and just completed three co-op terms at Ericsson where she worked in the Human Resources Department.  She shares her thoughtful observations about Human Resources in her co-op reflection.

What is Your Definition of 'Success'? (Pt. 1)

Sabrina, Marton and Jacob tell us what it means to be "successful" in co-op and how their definition of "success" has changed over time.