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People riding a rollercoaster
Overcoming Self Doubt and the Roller Coaster of Getting a Job

Actuarial Science and Statistics student, Dylan McCartney, shares his experience with the ups and downs of job applications and learning as you go.

Seagull on a beach
Using Your Vacation to Develop Your Career

Statistics professional Eric Cai used part of his recent vacation to learn Python programming, and found it a great way to further his skillset while keeping his mind sharp. He encourages students to consider devoting part of their next vacation towards professional development.

Jeanni standing in front of the business objects sign
Jeannie Chan: A Co-op Student's Success Story

Meet Jeannie Chan, a Computing Science and Statistics student who convocated this June. Shes completed a total of five Co-op work terms, and has been able to develop an impressive set of skills, helping her to land a full-time job! Read on to learn all about her experiences.

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