Job Description Gallery
Seeking a new job? We can help with that.
Welcome to the Job Description Gallery!
This is where you have the opportunity to explore the variety of positions available to you as a student. Job descriptions are an excellent guide in creating targeted application packages (resumes and cover letters), and preparing for an interview. Each job description includes the skills and requirements necessary for that job, so you can easily learn about keywords or phrases to add your application package. Samples may be real positions that have been posted at SFU or may be a composite of several postings.
Visiting Our Galleries
These job description samples have been created by students for the SFU community. Use the filters below to find samples that are related for your needs and skills. You can continue to read content on job descriptions. If you’re from SFU, log in to view the job descriptions! Ensure your User Account is complete so you don't lose access.
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