Applied Sciences › Mechatronic Systems Engineering
Devpreet is a final year Mechatronic Systems Engineering student, and part of the student team building a water management startup - Novion. Novion is an early stage start-up working towards developing technologies for cost savings, operational efficiency, and sustainability within commercial buildings using detailed water usage data. Novion is currently looking into water data within HVAC systems and mechanical rooms to detect and locate faults that are subtle and not usually flagged by spot checks. This can not only help with saving cost on water loss, but also from increased HVAC efficiency and from preventing leaks. If you have any questions or comments about starting an innovation-driven technology startup or just want to reach out, feel free to contact them at
Title | Content Type | Authored | Views | Likes | Saves | |
A Startup Journey: Addressing Water Scarcity through Tech | Blog | 2019-02-08 | 178 |