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Cover Letter Gallery

Cover Letter Gallery

Welcome to the cover letter gallery. Browse through the samples for ideas and inspiration to create your own original Cover Letter.

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Cover Letter
Job Description

Welcome to the Cover Letter Gallery!

We have a variety of authentic cover letter samples created by students for the SFU community from different faculties and job sectors. You can use these samples to learn how junior and senior students showcase their experiences and skills, get inspired by diverse design styles, and understand how students craft their unique accomplishment statements and communicate their transferable skills. Keep in mind that these samples are not "perfect" nor the "best", but rather samples that have some great elements, as well as elements that can be improved. Pay close attention to the Annotations and Skills noted at the bottom of each cover letter, as this will help guide you in your own cover letter-building.

This gallery is for inspiration, not imitation.

So, please be respectful of the student contributors who want to help students like you. Because employers can easily recognize if the following samples are copied, it's a good idea to make you don't plagarize any samples.

Visiting Our Galleries

Use the filters below to find samples that are related for your needs and skills. If you’re from SFU, log in to view the cover letters! Ensure your User Account is complete so you don't lose access. Not from SFU? You’ll see an error message below. You can continue to improve your cover letter writing skills by reading related content on writing cover letters. 


Share Your Sample

Are you an expert cover letter-builder? Share your cover letter with us to have it reviewed and published by the OLC! Please view our submission guidelines before submitting a sample.

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