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Kayla Christensen

SFU Student Undergraduate
Arts + Social Sciences › Indigenous Studies | Environment › Archaeology
Study Abroad › Exchange


I never understood what people meant when they said, "You'll learn a lot about yourself abroad", but now I do. I am capable of so much more than I gave myself credit for. Unlike many other study abroad students who came with their friends or have acquaintances from the same University, I came alone and learned how to be alone. You learn how to travel, alone. Go to rugby games, alone. Attend social events, alone. I struggled with this, but I have never learned more about myself since being... alone. This isn't a bad thing. Of course you will meet new people, and make new friends, but you will still be abroad with only yourself. Being alone doesn't mean being lonely, rather, it's about becoming comfortable with your own company. Loneliness implies a sense of longing for others, but being alone has allowed me to find peace within myself. I began picking up new solo hobbies that I could do by myself, such as reading, photography, or drawing. You are the only one who has you. Learning how to be with just yourself has been the most valuable lesson. This study abroad experience has been about more than just sightseeing, it's been about understanding who I am and what I am capable of when I step outside my comfort zone. Some things just can't be taught; they can only be learned.
