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Aboriginal Mother House building
With the “Under One Roof” philosophy, the Aboriginal Mother Centre will have the capacity to deliver on-site programming, for both the mothers in residence as well as the local Aboriginal community, with a traditional Indigenous knowledge-centered approach.

Aboriginal women and their children are among the most discriminated against and socially and economically disadvantaged living in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside.

The Aboriginal Mother Centre offers a safe and caring long-term home and all of the resources necessary to assist mothers and their children in realizing a brighter future.

Our holistic approach provides the children with an opportunity to live a better life.A life that is filled with options, hopes and optimism.
A world that many of these children do not believe possible, and for most is not possible without our help.

We cannot do this alone – we desperately need your help to ensure that we do everything in our power to assist our residents to transform their lives, and the lives of their children.

Transformational Housing Program

AMCS provides sixteen suites of temporary Transformational Housing for pregnant or early parenting Aboriginal mothers and their young children who are at risk of homelessness or child welfare intervention.

AMCS Daycare Centre

The licensed AMCS Daycare Centre provides 25 spaces for children aged 3 to 5 years old. The program focuses on Aboriginal culture, values, tradition, and language and is open to both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children.

Mama’s Wall Street Studio

Mama’s Wall Street Studio (MWSS) is a social enterprise wholly owned and operated by the Aboriginal Mother Centre Society. MWSS produces a variety of customized sewn, knitted or crafted promotional products including high-quality conference bags and Aboriginal-designed blankets. Aboriginal mothers are provided with job training skills and opportunities at the studio, and all revenues from MWSS go towards the Centre’s housing and support programs.

Community Kitchen

The newly renovated Aboriginal Mother Centre includes a large commercial grade kitchen which provides daily healthy meals to the residents and daycare clients, a community drop-in lunch as well as job training opportunities for the local Aboriginal community.

Day Programming

With the “Under One Roof” philosophy, the Aboriginal Mother Centre will have the capacity to deliver on-site programming, for both the mothers in residence as well as the local Aboriginal community, with a traditional Indigenous knowledge-centered approach. This approach to spiritual, physical, and emotional health includes counselling, advocacy, education, training, and social support.

The Aboriginal Mother Centre Society is currently seeking applications. For more information please vist the Aboriginal Mother Centre Society Career Page.


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OLC Admin

SFU Staff
All Faculties
Co-operative Education
Simon Fraser University
SFU OLC Administrator
visibility  211
Mar 24, 2013

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