We are often told to succeed, but what happens when we fail? In this blog post, Amy shares her personal story of overcoming failure and how it might not be as terrible as it seems.
As the lead content creator for the OLC, I have pushed out a lot of written work during my work term. Therefore, I think it’s very valuable for me to highlight my favourite stories that I have seen during my time here. One of the reasons I love the OLC so much is the diversity of pieces that are posted and promoted. You can find content on almost any topic; it is truly a great place for students to explore and contribute to.
As difficult as it was to choose, here are five of my top favourite pieces of content I have seen on the OLC site!
“You Have So Much Potential. You Just Need to Pay Attention.”: My Journey with ADHD
As someone who suffers with ADHD and general anxiety disorder, it was very refreshing to read a story about someone who went through similar situations as me. I enjoyed the way this story was written, and I loved how relatable it felt. I thoroughly enjoy written pieces where the author opens up and decides to be vulnerable to initiate a conversation about sensitive topics.
Overcoming Barriers to Staying Active at Home: Tips and Advice
I enjoyed this piece because I believe finding the motivation to stay active is something a lot of students actively struggle with. I found the tips in this article very helpful as the author addressed common issues such as time, loneliness, weather, and lack of energy. Discussing issues that affect a wide variety of students are very useful topics for written pieces.
The Perks of Failure
The author of this article opened up about failure after not achieving what she originally thought she was going to pursue in her post-secondary education. I heavily relate to this story because that is exactly what happened to me. As I continued reading this piece, I enjoyed it even more because the author talked about her journey and passion for Communications and photography. This is what I am currently doing!
Hopping Around Hong Kong
As someone who loves to travel, it was very exciting to read a story about someone’s direct experience travelling to Hong Kong. The article was laid out in a clear way and discussed the author’s preparation, plans, and experiences. This inspired me to explore the world even more!
How I Succeed as a Woman in a Male-Dominated Field
Although this is my own blog post, it is still one of my favourites. I wrote this piece with the motivation to inspire others and to make it clear that you can still succeed even if the odds are against you. I used my direct experiences and failures to show vulnerability and hopefully inspire one of my readers to try something they’re afraid to do!