Jeannette Friesen went to Bolvia with the Students for Development program, where she worked with the Solidarity and Free Trade Movement. While there she learned about the importance of culture and came home more motivated then ever to pursue her goals in international relations.
Students for Development
SFU's International Co-op department interviewed Sean Sager fresh from his three-month term in Bolvia, where he worked with Students for Development as a Development Intern, promoting and teaching the fundamentals of community economic development to local community leaders in Bolivia.
The second installment of Isabel's international co-op adventure working with ICO (Instituto de Capacitacion del Oriente) in Bolivia.
Since its launch in 2005, the Students for Development (SFD) program has been supporting Canadian university students' participation in internships in developing countries and emerging economies. Isabel went on the SFD program in Summer 2011 where she worked with ICO (Instituto de Capacitacion del Oriente) in Bolivia.
Since its launch in 2005, the Students for Development (SFD) program has been supporting Canadian university students' participation in internships in developing countries and emerging economies. Melanie Woo spoke to Deborah about her SFD experience.
The OLC happily presents the following as Craig Vandermeer’s first interview with the OLC after his return from Uganda Fall Semester 2010. Having finished his undergrad at Carleton University with a degree in Political Science, he is continuing his education here at SFU in the International Studies Master’s program.