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Personal Development

personal dev

Your time in university is one of the best opportunities to develop personally. You will learn from the following stories how to understand yourself, your goals, boundaries and how to overcome challenges without harming your mental well-being. These stories include students' experiences with work/life balance, redefining success and how to be more reflective on your personal, academic and professional life. 

An image of Pawandeep sitting at a home work station
Navigating the Waves of Data: A Journey of Growth and Learning

I learned many things in my co-op journey but some of the most important lessons that I learnt came from those working alongside me. Here are a few of those things that I learned from others, shared with you. 

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Embracing the Can-Do Culture at BlueShore

Work becomes easy and enjoyable when you are in the proper mindset – a mindset fueled by the belief that you can do it if you wish to. Meet Bulla Islam, a fourth-year undergraduate student reflecting on his experience with BlueShore Financial as he nears his time at SFU. Get insight on how to navigate yourself within a job setting, and steps you can take to harness a ‘can-do’ attitude.


Image of Priyanka Das
Discover Your True Self: 7 Tips to Develop Unwavering Self-Belief and Authenticity

Take chances as you never know what opportunities may arise. Meet Priyanka Das, a Beedie Co-op student who’s working with SFU’s Communication and Marketing department as a Digital Resource Assistant. Learn more about how she landed her current co-op and other opportunities such as the CEOx1Day finalist by being authentic and believing in their abilities.

Lauretta and Caitlin with laptop
7 Goal-Setting Tips to Start a Semester Off for Success

Are you struggling to set your goals for the semester? this blog is here to help.

Shehahn along with four of his co-workers smiling for a group photo
The Secret to Finding a Co-op Position that is Fulfilling

How will I find a Co-op position that is perfect for me? That is a question that I had throughout my first and even my second seeking term. Thankfully, that is something that I have found the answer to this semester. This journey of mine started with my seeking semester.

Anik standing outside in front of trees
A Q&A with a MA Political Science Co-op Student

Meet Anik Ahmed, an SFU Master of Political Science Co-op student. In this quick Q&A, Anik shares a bit about his co-op experience. Keep on reading as Anik shares his co-op's workplace culture, his employer and how he got the unique experience of travelling to Victoria.

Eden sitting at a table with papers
Finding Your Voice: Solutions on How to Public Speak with Confidence

Public Speaking is challenging, and I applaud anyone who can speak in front of a crowd because it takes a lot of courage. These tips will help when speaking to audiences to sell yourself as a speaker and increase your comfort level and confidence.


image of caitlin walking up the stairs
4 Ways to Level Up This Year

The new year is a time for everyone to start fresh. Look at the new year as an opportunity to start over and nothing is more motivating than wanting to make every 202X “your year.”

Brianna standing in front of a Communication Banner
I’m Starting a Minor Late Into My Degree... Now What?

Picking a major is a journey in its own rite, now you’re considering taking on a minor on top of that? Sometimes, this task tends to be pushed aside for another time; then suddenly, you’re in your third year at SFU and have yet to pick a minor. The job may be difficult, but with enough planning and research it is doable. If you find yourself in a similar situation, here’s some information that may help guide you when starting a minor later into your degree. 

Sorren Jao
How to Tailor your Website for Success

Sorren takes one through how creating a website is much like tailoring a new suit; in order to have the best chance at success, one must present their best self.

Homesickness During the Holidays

The holidays are a time for fun and festivities, but the feeling of being homesick can also creep in during this time. Here are some steps to help you through it!

students group study
Changing Majors: You Are Not Alone

The thought of changing your major can be daunting, but it can be so rewarding when you take the leap.

Balloons floating in the sky
How my First Co-op Position Inspired me to Dream

As an undergraduate student who decided to switch my degree from Psychology to Communication on a whim, I was very nervous about my future career path, especially since I felt like I was the only person that had no big dreams in life. Therefore, I decided to apply to Co-op to start piecing together my goals and ambitions.

student working in science
Overcoming a Slump: Becoming the Main Character of your Story

Ever wanted to feel like the main protagonist in a movie? Here’s your reminder that you already are one!

Student sitting on a chair at SFU Vancouver Libary
Prolonging Motivation Post Midterm Season

A rather underrated discussion is how difficult it is to keep your motivation intact throughout a four-month long semester. Especially after mid-term season when we start to lose that that adrenaline of motivation. Here are some tips to help you stay motivated!

Audrey standing in front of Simon Fraser University, with her dog
Mobilizing Indigenous Knowledge Systems in my Work

I strive to make SFU a safer place for our Indigenous community to grow and flourish.

Laptop on a desk with hands typing on the keys
The Art of the Start-Up: Wearing Many Hats

I came into it wanting to learn as much as I could. Somehow, I learned more than I thought I would, including about the changeable nature of start-ups. I’ll always be grateful for the flexible work environment that allowed me to gain experience in things I never dreamed of doing.

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