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Science › Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Position Title

I’ve been interested in human trafficking and slavery issues for a long time. At International Justice Mission we’re raising awareness for the human trafficking that goes on around the world, including in Canada.

I enjoy having good conversations about these issues with people I meet at our informational coffee sales. As consumers, we are all playing a part in modern slavery. For example, where is our coffee at the coffee sales coming from? SFU is great because the coffee is Fair Trade, but we don’t always stop to think about where the things we consume come from.

I also want to let people know that you don’t have to stick to your area of study when it comes to volunteering. A lot of times we think that it’s the people in Criminology or International Studies who are the ones passionate about social justice – but to be in a completely different field like I am and be still so passionate about these issues shows that you can have interests in different areas.

I’m an SFU Science student, but I’m always going to be fighting for social justice.

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Oct 24, 2019