Jennifer Reandy is a Registered Clinical Counsellor (RCC) working with SFU’s Indigenous Student Centre (ISC). Read about the common thinking patterns associated with anxiety and how to interrupt them.
Ka Yiu Cheng shares her tips on how to cope with the stress that comes with graduating university and entering the "real world."
Almost all of us have experienced those all-encompassing feelings of fear, dread, and confusion that so often go hand-in-hand with moving through life and figuring out what it is you want to do. Thankfully, there are ways to prevent anxiety from taking control. Check out this list of on-campus and online resources to find something that works for you!
New experiences can be scary. The transition from high school to university can be tough, especially when you go from a class of 30 to a class of 200. In this comic strip blog post, Linnea offers her top five tips for kicking first day jitters to the curb.