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Experience Details
During my Experience
Learning and Adaptation

My time at Universitat Pompeu Fabra was a pleasant experience, as I had the opportunity to explore various fields of study and courses. From the history of FC Barcelona to philosophy and ethics, it provided a fresh perspective compared to my current studies in Mechatronics at SFU. These different courses introduced new approaches to completing assignments and projects. They also helped me better develop interpersonal skills and improved my ability to speak in front of an audience. One of my favorite courses during my time abroad was "The History and Making of Sitcoms." In this course, we delved into the origins of comedy and how it evolved into the beloved television shows we enjoy today. Alongside the course material, we even had acting lessons and the chance to work in a TV studio on campus to direct and produce our sitcom. However, some courses were tailored to students with a background in the subject, even when no prerequisites were specified. For example, in a course covering AI and brain function, there were times when we discussed biology, and I struggled because I had never studied the brain. Fortunately, the professors provided ample study materials to help students succeed in the course.

Cultural and Environmental Observations

Barcelona is a city rich in culture and history. Walking through its ancient streets feels like stepping back in time. Every street is lined with numerous cafes and shops, offering a constant array of new experiences. However, it's essential to note that most restaurants and stores close for their daily siesta between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. Life in Barcelona moves at a much slower pace than in Vancouver, alleviating the usual stresses. You quickly realize that you don't need a car to get around. Walking is sufficient for most places within the city, and buses and the metro are highly efficient for longer distances. My residence building was just a short 15-minute walk from the campus, allowing me to return home for lunch during breaks in my class schedule.

Social and Extracurricular Activities

My favorite aspect of studying abroad in Europe was the extensive travel opportunities. I embarked on adventures I never thought possible on a regular trip from Canada. Barcelona served as an excellent hub for travel, and despite an air traffic control strike, most flights were still punctual. During my time abroad, I journeyed from the Arctic Circle to witness the Northern Lights to riding camels in the Sahara Desert. Some of these trips were solo, which significantly boosted my self-confidence and comfort in unfamiliar situations. Experiencing new adventures continuously challenges you to overcome adversity. While studying abroad in Europe, I highly recommend joining the Erasmus student union at your school. You don't need to be a European citizen, and it offers a wide array of events and opportunities to meet new people. ESN not only organizes local events but also provides discounted trips across Europe, such as excursions to Morocco and Andorra, as examples of the ones I participated in.

I formed numerous friendships with people from around the world during my exchange. These friendships are among my most cherished because I interacted with them almost daily for months. We shared the ups and downs of our experiences abroad and supported each other through any challenges. While my friends now live all over the world, several of them study in Vancouver, so I'll have the opportunity to see them again. We embarked on many adventures together and created countless memories that I will treasure forever. Meeting these new people and exploring their cultures exposed me to different forms of humor and provided insights into what other universities worldwide are like. Initially, breaking the ice with new people was challenging because most students from other schools already had established social circles, making them less open to integrating new friends into their groups.

Wrap Up

The final aspect of my journey I'd like to share involves my experiences in the city of Barcelona. The food culture in Spain is something I'll miss when I return home, and I hope to find a traditional Spanish restaurant in Vancouver. Barcelona boasts a vibrant nightlife culture, with bars and clubs bustling with activity every day of the week. There is always something to do and someone to meet. The welcoming atmosphere encourages you to strike up conversations with almost anyone. Another place where I spent a substantial amount of time in Barcelona was the beach. Before the tourist season, the beach is serene and perfect for relaxation. Although the water takes some time to warm up, it offers a refreshing swim.


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