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SFU Student

Working on campus
Networking is a great way to find out from current employees how their work experience has benefited them and get some great advice about resources on campus.

Have you ever thought about working in a place that you are familiar with?  Perhaps a Tim Horton’s close by? For many students the idea of working at SFU might be a great option, if you prefer a healthy 10 minute jaunt to work after class or an opportunity to learn more about how a university operates.

There are many different places to work on all three SFU campuses. Being aware of the different resources available when applying for work on campus can make the search less frustrating. There are many options such as applying for the temp pool or applying for an actual job on campus depending on how many hours you would prefer to work.  Applying for the Student Temp Pool (information is provided at may be preferable for students who wish to work on campus but have the flexibility of working when they want to during the semester.

Some great options to help in your search for work at SFU are to get involved with SFU Co-op and/or volunteer on campus.  Through SFU Co-op and volunteering you can familiarize yourself with various resources on campus and gain valuable work experience.

In addition, as a volunteer at SFU, you can also get access to information about certain jobs on campus that may not be posted on SFU websites and network with current employees at SFU. Networking is a great way to find out from current employees how their work experience has benefited them and get some great advice about resources on campus.

If you need more information and/or would like to speak with a Career Advisor in Career Services feel free to book an appointment by calling 778/782-3106. Good luck in your SFU job search!

SFU Student
visibility  122
Dec 18, 2009

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