The North East Native Advancing Society provides advice regarding planning for your future when you return home to your community through community asset mapping.
Community Asset Mapping Involves Everyone
It involves understanding your communities strength’s to be able to prepare for future opportunities.
Have you ever wanted to be a teacher? A nurse? Operate a day care? Operate your own equipment? Have your own business?
Identifying what skills you have, and what opportunities are available to you helps to provide a strong readily available labour pool which leads to healthy community growth.
Community Services
Do you know who in your community can help you prepare for these future jobs?
Do you know if there is medical nurse? A daycare? A school? Industry safety and evacuation plans in your community? Etc.
How Is This Done?
Complete a Survey:
Determine member knowledge regarding resources
Determine member knowledge regarding employment opportunities
Academic assessment
Determine current skill level Transition-to-work inventory
Determine what type of work interests you so you may plan for future employment
Identify your community’s potential labour pool.
Academic assessing quickly lets you know starting points; saving time and money when investing in any training strategies.
The transition-to-work inventory covers 14 different career areas, and will assist in career planning strategies.
Happy worker’s tend to advance quicker.
This brief asset mapping strategy can assist with existing or, future development plans.
NENAS: North East Native Advancing Society
NENAS supports a healthy Aboriginal Culture & workforce in Northeastern BC
Our Vision:
First Nations and Inuit people realizing their full potential and actualizing the unity and cohesiveness of First Nations and Inuit people in North Eastern British Columbia.
Our Mission:
To provide opportunities to improve the quality of life of First Nations and Inuit people in North Eastern British Columbia by holistically advancing their health, wellness, education, and economic self-sufficiency.
Our Mandate:
To work collaboratively in providing holistic human resource development for First Nations and Inuit people of Northeast British Columbia.
Employment Assistance offices are located in Fort St. John and Fort Nelson.
With the opening of an EAS office in Fort Nelson, resources have been streamlined to ensure that First Nations in communities outside of Fort St. John and in remote places outside of Fort Nelson, are provided with training and assistance in employment search. EAS offices offer a safe, secure and confidential place for clients to come. The office also provide clients with a friendly and supportive atmosphere where they can receive one-on-one career counseling.
Our ultimate goal is to be a portal between clients and industries.
Employment Assistance Services:
Message service
Resume and cover letter guides, assistance and keyboarding
Free telephone use, computer, printing, faxing and photocopies for job search
Career planning resources and videos
Business resources and videos
Post secondary calendars
EI applications and brochures
Information on federal and provincial employment programs
Daily local newspapers
Employment counseling to assist people in finding work, changing jobs, and career choices
Referrals to NENAS employment and training programs
Referrals to other community agencies
The Skills Development Program
Individual assistance programs are available to assist First Nation Status, Non-status and Inuit individuals residing on or off reserve in northeast BC. All applicants are required to complete a funding application which can be accessed at your local NENAS office. All applications will be processed and assessed on an individual basis – application to a program does not guarantee funding.
Confirmed Job Supplement
CJS is intended to provide assistance for essential work related items and short term training. This program is available for unemployed or under-employed individuals with a confirmed job who are unable to start work due to an inability to purchase work related items or provide essential certification.
NENAS may be able to provide funding assistance for:
Safety ticket training
Supplies required for occupational health and safety that is not supplied by the employer (ie. boots, goggles)
Work clothing and other essentials
Disability related aides
Skills Development Benefit Program
SDEB is intended to assist individuals who lack specific employment skills to increase their employability. This program is available to under-employed or unemployed individuals.
NENAS may provide funding assistance for short-term skills based training costs including tuition and training materials. Each individual can receive up to $10,000 in assistance over a three year period. The training must be under a year in length in total.
Contact Your Local NENAS Office
Fort St. John 250-785-0887 | Fort Nelson 250-774-3266 Sas Natsadle Aboriginal Head Start 250-785-0887 | Rising Spirit Aboriginal Youth Centre 250-263-9919
For more information contact