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Interview Question Database

At the Interview

Questions to Ask at an Interview

It is inevitable.  At the end of the interview an employer will likely ask "do you have any questions?"  What many candidates don't realize is that this is a strategic part of the interview which helps to differentiate candidates. 

Do you have any questions?

This question, while often asked at the end of an interview, also reflects your preparation. You want to be able to show the employer that you have done some pre-thinking about the job and your interest in it. You may want to bring in a notepad with some questions you had thought of prior to the interview. You can refer to those questions (some may have been answered already) or ask others that have arisen as a result of the interview itself. Often if you have no questions, interviewers interpret that as either a lack of preparation, interest, or both.

Often times this last question is the biggest stumper of all. Questions? Me? Yikes. But don't hit mute and make for the door just yet. Always come armed with a few more questions, whether they're about the business itself or about your specific role within it. Doing your homework on the company will make a big difference, says Ken Ramberg, co-founder of Perhaps a new competitor has recently burst on the scene. Inquire about the company's plans to go head-to-head. Or, says Stybel, ask about how the company is meeting technological challenges or expanding. Just don't fall silent at this moment. "The questions you ask are just as important as the ones they ask you,'' and they demonstrate your level of sophistication, Stybel said. Ask the interviewer why she works there or to describe a recent good hire. You can also highlight any qualifications that haven't been discussed yet and your enthusiasm. Use your voice and make yourself memorable.

How do you measure an employee's performance?


Answer Tips

What training, tools and resources do you provide, to ensure the success of a new employee?

It is valuable to know how an employer will contribute to your success at their organization and to contribute to your ongoing professional development. Employers invest in employees in different ways ranging from:

. Initial training and orientation
. Courses or ongoing access/memberships to training tools
. Internal professional development activities or events
. Encouragement of attendance and registration to workshops and conferences
. Mentorship with senior staff
. Memberships to professional organizations
. Clearly defined performance indicators, professional development plans, feedback opportunities, or performance reviews

Answer Tips

How and when do you provide employees with feedback?

It is important to understand how the company measures success to optimally succeed. This questions also demonstrates your strive to be successful in the position.

Answer Tips

How would you describe the work environment?


Answer Tips

How would you describe your organization's culture?

By asking about the company's culture, you’ll get insight into what is most important for the company as a whole, and what it values in the individuals who work there.

Answer Tips

What type of training and mentorship do you provide to employees?

By asking this question, you can get a gauge how many the company values professional and personal development.

Answer Tips

What do you/your employees like best about working for this organization?


Answer Tips