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view of capetown, south africa
Home Sweet Home

As Kayla returns home from Botswana, there is much to reflect upon the differences between cultures and the way of living. Read what Kalya has to say and how International Co-op has brought her to an epiphany.

San people smiling and laughing
The Gods Must be Crazy

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB).  In this article, the seventh in the series, Kayla shares her weekend travels around Botswana.

aerial view of Garborone, the city Kayla stayed in
Reality of HIV/AIDS in Botswana

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB).  In this article, the sixth in the series, Kayla discusses the reality of HIV/AIDS in Botswana.

aerial photo of the Okavango River in Botswana
Kayla, I Swam the Delta

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB). In this article, the fifth in the series, Kayla swims the Delta, meets elephants and chased by a hippo.

Cement pathway in Gaborone, Botswana
Challenges of the Pace of Life

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB). In this article, the fourth in the series, Kayla shares some of the challenges of the pace of life in Botswana.

Children running and playing
Helping Children Attend School

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB).  In this article, the third in the series, Kayla explains her role in helping vulnerable children attend school.

Giraffe's in the Kalahari Desert
The Kalahari Desert in the Summertime

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB)  In this article, the second in the series, Kayla shares her experience of heat stroke in the Kalahari Desert.

a hospice bed
Postcards From Botswana 1 - Working in a Hospice with HIV/AIDS patients

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB). In this article, the first of a series, Kayla shares her insights, experiences and reflections of working in a Hospice with HIV/AIDS patients in Gaborone, Botswana.

Okavango delta, botswana; sunset over water
Working in a Hospice with HIV/AIDS patients

SFU Kinesiology student Kayla Donnawell is in Botswana, Africa volunteering with the Students Without Borders program (SWB)  In this article, the first of a series, Kayla shares her insights, experiences and reflections of working in a Hospice with HIV/AIDS patients in Gaborone, Botswana.

Three women posing in front of a building called 'Hospice Pre-School'
Life in Botswana: Jumping in With Both Feet

For four months Jessica Kehler traveled across the world to Botswana, working with Holy Cross Hospice, a non-profit organization that uses a holistic approach to treating terminal HIV/AIDS patients. Upon her return, the OLC sat down to learn about a country known for its diamond mining, tourism, and sadly, HIV/AIDS. Read to find out more about her journey!

Jessica Kehler
Life in Botswana: Jumping in With Both Feet

For four months Jessica Kehler traveled across the world to Botswana, working with Holy Cross Hospice, a non-profit organization that uses a holistic approach to treating terminal HIV/AIDS patients. Upon her return, the OLC sat down to learn about a country known for its diamond mining, tourism, and sadly, HIV/AIDS.

Two people in the bus smiling to the camera
My Co-op Work Term in Gaborone | Part One | Dumela (Hello) Botswana

Health Sciences Co-op student Kaleigh Banister is spending the spring semester in Gabarone on a Co-op work term with the Cancer Association of Botswana. In Part 1 of her series, Kaleigh arrives in Gabarone and begins to adjust to life in the slow lane.

Kaleigh sitting on a cliff staring out to the wilderness
My Co-op Work Term in Gaborone | Part Two

In Part 2 of her series, Health Sciences Co-op student Kaleigh Banister gets into the local Gabarone culture and takes a bit of time to explore the natural wonders she’s surrounded by.

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