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Volunteer SFU

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Career and Volunteer Services

Iceberg Melting
It is an amazing experience where you learn cultural practices of different people from across the globe.

Over the course of the past semester, SFU Volunteer Services set out to learn what causes motivate SFU students to get involved in their communities–either on campus or beyond. We collected information through the ENGAGE blog and want to highlight some now in hopes of inspiring others to think about what their cause is and how they can contribute!

“There are three inter-linked causes that I am incredibly passionate about: climate change, the Polar regions (Arctic and Antarctic) and meaningful youth engagement.  I founded and co-chaired the International Polar Year Youth Steering Committee (now the Association of Polar Early Career Scientists – APECS).  The committee’s goals are to involve youth in all aspects of polar research and policy, to increase collaboration between the sciences, arts and education, and to foster respect for different ways of knowing.

I was part of the official youth delegation to the UN Climate Change Meetings and was one of 200 Canadians selected by the Climate Project Canada to be trained by Al Gore to present an updated version of the award-winning Inconvenient Truth slide show.  I traveled to Antarctica in 2006 with Students on Ice as part of their education staff and joined them again in August 2008 for their Arctic Expedition.  I am currently looking at how to mobilize huge numbers of Canadian youth leading up to COP 15, the United Nations Climate Change Meetings in Copenhagen this December.”

 - Amber Church


“The Host program at Immigrant Services Society of BC (ISS) pairs up newcomer immigrant and refugee people with individuals who have been in Canada for a while. The goal is to create a support system for newcomers so that they can adapt and integrate into Canadian society. It is an amazing experience where you learn cultural practices of different people from across the globe. Currently they are looking for volunteers everywhere but specially in the Coquitlam area. If you are interested please contact Thea Fiddick at"

- Nathalie Lozano 

Those are just a few of the thoughtful responses we received from SFU students engaging in a wide variety of activities. Do you have a cause that you would like to share?  


Volunteer SFU

SFU Staff
All Faculties
Career and Volunteer Services
visibility  149
Apr 30, 2009

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