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John Luo

SFU Student Undergraduate
Science › Biomedical Physiology + Kinesiology › Active Rehabilitation & Exercise Therapy

For my first ever coop term, I was very lucky to be offered a position as a content creator/manager assistant at Ezreal Armwrestling Club. Running both in person and ecommerce sales, the company focuses mainly on home fitness and armwrestling training equipment. With my background in powerlifting and competitive armwrestling, it was a perfect position that aligned with my BPK learnings and offered new challenges in marketing and social media management. At first glance, the job was daunting and very different from other jobs such as personal training and assisting in physiotherapy clinics. However, I am glad about my decision because of the new things I learned from shooting ads and many more.

Aside from daily fulfilment of orders and general housekeeping, one of my main duties is to come up with ad ideas and organize shooting. From contacting models and booking studios to communicating with the video editor, I slowly gained the skills and confidence to do it all by myself. One of my proudest projects was the ad campaign I made for Black Friday. It consisted of 5-6 video ads that took about a month to finish. In that time, I wrote all the scripts and revised them, came up with a location for each video, found the right people, and filmed all the videos. Working together with my supervisor, he walked me through the ad deployment strategy with budget management and audience selection on Facebook and Instagram. Throughout this whole process, I tried everything hands-on and gained more knowledge than I could ever just by watching videos or reading.

Another duty I have is creating content for the company social media. From informational training videos showcasing our equipment on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, to long form videos for our YouTube channel. The most memorable video was when we went to English Bay to promote our armwrestling tables. In that video, I openly accepted anyone to challenge me to an armwrestle. Hundreds of people gathered around that day and the team all had a blast with filming.

Overall, this experience has taught me that taking risks and going into something uncomfortable can be very rewarding. My communication skills with coworkers and customers developed tremendously and I am more confident in completing daunting tasks with independence. Co-op has given me a great opportunity to enhance my resume with these skills as a student and I’m very grateful.



John Luo

SFU Student Undergraduate
Science › Biomedical Physiology + Kinesiology › Active Rehabilitation & Exercise Therapy
visibility  289
Dec 15, 2022