Embracing the dynamic nature of my role as a Communication Specialist for SAP d-shop, my multidisciplinary background as a SIAT student has empowered me to be skillful in a myriad of tasks and projects I was assigned. With my proficiency in diverse design mediums, I approached each project with an open mind and a can-do attitude, not shying away from exploring new opportunities! I believe having the attitude to be willing to try something new is very important for this role. The creative freedom afforded by the motto of d-shop, where individuals can bring their visions to life, provided me with an enriching experience that has allowed me to infuse my unique and creative input into projects and contribute to a vibrant tapestry of innovation within the team.
Most Valuable Aspects of This Experience
In addition to all the new skills I was able to learn from this role, other aspects of this job that have affected me positively have been the SAP Internship Experience Program, which has kept me supported and engaged in events and activities that create thriving personal networks, learning experiences, and valuable career development opportunities.
I was part of a 3-month program where I got to sign up for a specific full-time mentor within the company to meet bi-weekly to learn about any other jobs I was interested in. With my interest in user experience (UX) design, I paired up with a UX designer in the Vancouver office to learn, ask questions, and network. It has been fascinating to learn about the UX sectors within SAP and to receive guidance and support on future career goals and plans.
Advice for Future Students
Your co-op experience is an invaluable journey that I cannot emphasize enough. It's not just a chance for learning but an opportunity to meet inspiring individuals, build lasting connections, and network with industry experts. If you haven't embarked on a co-op work term yet, I want to encourage you—it's never too late in your academic career to take on this experience; all you have to do is take that leap and embrace the opportunities that await you!