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I started volunteering last year, but last semester was when I started being a Core Facilitator. As Core Facilitators, we facilitate bible study groups on campus for Christians or faith seekers. It’s just a safe environment to discuss a part of a bible passage and to ask questions, analyze it, whatnot.

We meet once a week with the same group of people, but we also have multiple cores. We have men’s cores and women’s cores based on your schedule you can choose whichever one is more flexible for you.

The UCM organization also hosts Emerge every year in January. It’s basically where UCM clubs from all campuses across BC come to Camp Hope to worship God and to learn about God. Last year was my very first time going to Emerge and it was quite… I guess a revolutionary experience because that was my very first time experiencing God. Prior to that, I was always questioning whether He existed because I’ve never experienced him, but Emerge was the very first time where I was solid in the fact that He is out there. He is watching over me, and watching over everyone. So yeah, that was the most memorable experience to date.

I guess with UCM, I feel like it’s an open environment for everyone to go to, and in fact, we also prioritize outreach – so specifically reaching to the faith seekers. It’s a good place to see what you like, what you are good at.

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Apr 17, 2019