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SFU Health and Counselling Services
Registered Clinical Counsellor
4 icons of climbing a mountain, target, lightbulb, and a happy face

Welcome to the Thriving in Challenging Times blog. These blog posts are written by SFU Health and Counselling staff members and serve as a resource for the SFU Vancouver community, especially as we navigate through the challenging COVID-19 pandemic. Topics will include Resilience, Mindfulness, coping strategies and more, and will hopefully remind us that we are not alone; we are in this together. This blog series was originally published on the SFU Vancouver Wellness Programming site.


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Oct 23, 2020
A small plant sprouting from the ground
Cultivating Resilience in Challenging Times

Finding our way through adversities and challenges can definitely be a stressful mission. But it is important to remember that "humans are resilient." Here are some strategies to help practice resilience in your day-to-day journey of personal growth and ways on how we can thrive in life's storms. 

Person with their arms stretched out and back facing us; standing in autumn field
Reasons to be Grateful

From an early age, we were taught to thank the people around us whenever we receive help or support, but we often forget to thank ourselves. Here are some healthy habits of gratitude that might help with finding the happiness and contentment we've all been searching for. 

picture of the sunset and the sea
On Breathing

We often forget that breathing is one of the most important things that we do in our daily lives. It is our constant reminder that we are alive. So take some time out of your day and discover what it means to breathe.