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SFU Co-op Alumni
an SFU graduate at her graduation

You've just graduated! Now what? You're probably facing some form of quarter-life crisis, unsure of what to do, where to go or where to even begin. You are not alone. Career Friends is a group that Samantha Ali started, in order to keep her and her recently graduated friends on track with their job-hunt. This group met weekly in order to hold each other accountable, reflect on what they've learned, and how to overcome common challenges while in the job-hunting. In this series, Samantha and her group of "Career Friends" record their journey of professional discovery and how they came to overcome their "post-graduation blues" as a team. 

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Mar 10, 2011
Graduates throwing their graduation caps up in the air
Career Friends

Career Friends is a group of four Alumni who were having troubles staying on track in their job-hunting journey's post-graduation. Career Friends held regular meetings for accountability, and to confront and change bad habits. Read Samantha's story of why she decided to create Career Friends, and how it helped her job prospects.

Guy wearing his graduation gown, standing at the edge of a cliff overlooking the city
Justin's Journey

After Justin and Samantha decided to create Career Friends, the rest was history. They have kept each other on track while job-hunting post graduation. Read Justin's story about his experiences after graduating in 2002, and how he overcame the challenges of finding full-time employment.

Two girls looking at a computer together
Reilika Reminisces

Reilika, the third member of Career Friends, graduated with an Economics and Business degree in Europe. Coming to Canada was a difficult transition; but the Career Friends helped her be focused, develop new skills, and provide a network of support. Read Reilika's story to learn more.