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SFU Student
Position Title

Mentors with the KidStart Mentorship Program are paired with kids who are vulnerable and at risk. We try to be there for them and help in any we can. I spend time with my mentee each week for a few hours. She’s 7 years old and I’ve been with her for over a year now. My best experiences as a mentor are the times we have together, I make her happy and she makes me happy. Mostly we just hang out, but we also like getting our nails done and going to the salon.

Before volunteering, I didn’t really know what my passion was. When I started at Kidstart, I realized that my passion is helping others in need and who are at risk; helping people is really what I want to do with my future career. I’m making a difference in her life, I’m making an impact, and it makes me a better person.

SFU Student
visibility  209
Oct 11, 2017