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Frosh Leader
Position Title

I was inspired to become a Frosh Leader by the upper-year students in my program when I first came to SFU. Seeing them be so fulfilled through their contributions to various clubs and organizations encouraged me to find my own way of making an impact as well. Initially I wasn’t sure exactly how I wanted to get involved as a student volunteer; I spent a lot of time asking myself what I could offer the university.

I decided that the best way for me to get involved was to influence the next generation of SFU students upon beginning their degree programs. The most rewarding part of my role is having the ability to mentor other students. It truly is an honor and I look forward to continuing to positively influence the lives of my fellow students and peers. Ultimately, if you value helping others and giving back to the community, I’d encourage you to give volunteering a try.

Frosh Leader
visibility  180
Oct 2, 2018