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Victoria Lopatka

Arts + Social Sciences › Criminology

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A couple semesters ago, my friend and I realized that there was a lack of art clubs here at SFU, especially those that are inclusive. So, we decided to create our own. Our club is open to any kind of artist – no matter what you do. During our meetings, each member can take time to work on the projects they have – so if you’re painting something and you find that you have no time to work on it, you can bring your canvas and paint and work on it during meetings. We talk about what we’re working on, play art related games, and share our work with the group.

We also do outings; recently, we did this outing off campus to Cafe Deux Soleils, a café in Vancouver where they have an open mic night. We went and listened to the performances, which was a fun club-bonding activity. University is stressful, and we’re excited that we can give people the opportunity to participate in activities that let them relax and be creative.



Victoria Lopatka

Arts + Social Sciences › Criminology
visibility  156
Apr 30, 2018

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