In university, it is important for students to initiate connections with individuals around them to make the best of their opportunities. However, networking is hard and is not taught as a skill. Networking is something that must be practiced to be perfected. Luckily, there are tools that make it easier for individuals to connect with others, which leads to greater opportunities in their careers.
Creating Connections
As the C&M team has been (lovingly) reminding me, the sand in my hourglass is running out. And be it the sentimental self-reflector in me, I want nothing more than to sit down with my pre-Co-op-self and tell her about all of the spectacular things that are about to come her way.
Beedie Business student, Christopher Pun shares what he's learned about the art of giving and receiving feedback in the workplace.
Ever wondered what there is to gain from volunteering? Check out my blog post and discover all that volunteering has to offer.