OLC Content Creator, Luis Arce Diaz, shares how the lessons he learned though his Creative Writing courses helped him not only to become a better writer, but to find his own story through exposure to different perspectives on life and writing.
With the rise of the digital age, the tech industry has become the hub of all industries. As these companies become more popular, you will want these tips to succeed if you're a non-technical students looking to work in a technical company
From a young age, Ashley Fraser loved telling stories. While studying communications at SFU she began to realise that journalism might be her future career and the CBC Peter Gzwoski internship opportunity was the perfect way to get her start.
No experience in the tech industry? Break in anyway! Communication and Economics Co-op student Terence Chu shares tips he learned firsthand as a Technical Writer for Ericsson, a multinational Swedish telecommunications corporation.
As Natalie nears graduation her focus has shifted to landing a post-grad job. In the next instalment of her Road to Graduation series, read up on the basics of setting up and attending an informational interview.
Natalie continues her Road to Graduation series with tips on how to prepare when a professional finally grants you an informational interview. Follow her tips and make the most of the opportunity.
During the lightning round Natalie was shortlisted for a third job interview and was ultimately offered a co-op job! She reflects on her latest interview experience and shares some very important insights you should know to succeed at your next job interview.
Are you having a difficult time placing a co-op placement? You're not alone! Read about Natalie's disappointment with her second job interview, how she coped with her frustration and the lessons she took away from this experience to improve her interviewing skills and increase her chance at landing a job.
So you went through the workshops, you took BOL I, and you’ve had your one-on-one with your advisor. Now what? Natalie asked herself the same question when she completed all the initial steps of Co-op. Read on to find out more about Natalie's job search and the lessons she took away from her first job interview.