Alisa Kandikova is a soon-to-be fourth year Business and Psychology Joint Major, completing a minor in Counselling and Human Development. She came to SFU with the strict goal of learning everything there is to know about business, in hopes of using that knowledge to help other people. She realized that by combining her knowledge and experience in both fields of study, she would be able to make a much more significant impact.
"After taking a couple of Business and Psychology classes, I realized that I wanted to focus on both areas equally, and not do a major in one and minor in the other. The biggest and the most obvious benefit of a joint major is that you’re getting a solid knowledge base in two different but still interconnected fields, and you could have an array of various career options to choose from! What is more, you can pick which faculty you want to complete the degree in (ie. BA from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences or BBA from the Beedie School of Business)."
Outside of classes, Kandikova is the VP of the Psychology Student Union, a Peer Mentor with the FASS Mentorship program, and a newly elected Student Senator! Kandikova is interested to find out where her joint major may take her career-wise, such as psychological research, counselling, human resources or marketing.
This post was originally on the SFU Psychology Instagram on May 10th, 2021.