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Communication, Art + Technology
Position Title

I was familiar with the TED brand, so when I came across the opportunity to assist with TEDxSFU, I jumped at the chance. My role consists of developing and maintaining the organization’s image within the context of the SFU community, primarily by way of promoting the annual TEDxSFU conference. Although volunteering doesn’t offer the financial gratification of paid work, I believe in what the TEDxSFU brand represents and that’s all the motivation I need to continue working hard for this cause.

This opportunity has allowed me to collaborate with like-minded people and it’s really opened my eyes. I’ve realized that volunteer work is more beneficial to my personal development than working for monetary gain, and I’ve learned how to prioritize and manage my time in ways that I would not have if I’d never given volunteering a try. It’s taught me that money isn’t everything, and that there are things in life that really matter which don’t pay. We all have the same twenty-four hours in a day, but it’s what you do with them that has the potential to set you apart from others.

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Dec 4, 2017