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Tim Michel

SFU Staff
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Volunteers from Reconcilliation Canada
Reconciliation Canada

Volunteering provides a different experience than other job opportunities while still helping students build their employability skills and network. Below are some volunteer opportunities related to Indigenous culture.

Kids Help Phone - Indigenous Engagement Program

Choosing between two streams, Champions or Ambassadors, volunteers help connect Indigenous youth to resources, and other support from the Kids Help Phone Indigenous Engagement Program. Volunteers can directly apply their experiences as Indigenous youth to help other Indigenous youth who may need resources and support.

Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society (VAFCS)

The Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society (VAFCS) has many volunteer opportunities to help urban Indigenous people transition to the urban community. There are volunteer opportunities with the After School Recreation Program and Elder’s Wisdom Program. There are also event volunteer opportunities for special events such as Craft Fairs in November/December and Family Day in February.

Reconciliation Canada

With a mandate to bring together people from different backgrounds, Reconciliation Canada asks volunteers to commit to building stronger relationships with Indigenous people and other Canadians. Volunteer jobs include event planning, marketing & communications, volunteer engagement, fundraising, and project management.

Urban Native Youth Association’s Mentorship Program

Volunteer mentors dedicate their time to forming a meaningful and supportive relationship with a 12-15-year-old Indigenous youth. Through the UNYA’s Mentorship Program, volunteer mentors can make a difference in the life of an Indigenous youth while being given training and other learning opportunities by UNYA staff.

The Vancouver Aboriginal Community Policing Centre Society

Volunteers are entrusted to help continue to make the The Vancouver Aboriginal Community Policing Centre Society (VACPC) a safe and welcoming community. Opportunities include office administrative work, web development, community outreach, and cultural awareness workshops with the VPD.


Tim Michel

SFU Staff
All Faculties
visibility  4,460
May 6, 2021

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