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SFU Student

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Finding something to get involved in may seem like an overwhelming task, but perhaps if you take a few minutes to sit and think about what you want to do, you can learn a lot about yourself in reflection.

Having gone to SFU in the past four years, one of the questions I have often heard being asked is “How do I get involved?” In all honesty there are so many ways to become involved at SFU that anyone can do it. You don’t have to stick to generic volunteer roles. You can cater your engagement to suit you. With this in mind, I have a couple tips for you to get started on your search.

1. Do What YOU Love

Think about things that you like. It can be basketball, music, reading, movies, anime, dungeons and dragons, or biology. Odds are that on campus there may already be a club out there that has those interests in mind. If you’re afraid of joining a club, don’t be. People in clubs want to socialize and are very friendly people. They are always welcoming to new members.

2. Get Involved to Increase Your Skills

For those of you that are about to graduate, you might be thinking “Oh snap, how am I going to get a job?” If you think your resume is lacking, or even if you’re not that worried, getting engaged in the community is a great way to add experience and increase your skills. If you wish to work on your writing skills for instance, why not become a writer for the school newspaper, The Peak? Or here on the Engage Blog? If you want to go into broadcast journalism, why not join CJSF Radio? Want to gain experience in advising? Consider becoming a Peer Educator.

3. Time is of the Essence

There are some projects that last a whole semester. Some projects, only a day. Don’t try to overwhelm yourself by taking on a project that will eat up too much of your time. As students, we have to work around school, homework, family, friends, work and the twenty other things you may have to do, so try and measure how much time you can commit to this new engagement project. Make it work so that it can fit in with your life.

4. Don’t Settle

There are plenty of opportunities out there and I’ve only mentioned a small portion of them, so don’t settle for what can be seen on the surface. If you take a bit of time to research what is out there, you might be surprised by what you’ll find. That being said, being engaged at SFU is not just restricted to volunteer opportunities. There are plenty of programs out there such as Study Abroad, Field School, Semester in Dialogue, Co-op, and a plethora of workshops that are offered.

5. You Don’t Have to be Alone

I’ve found that sometimes the best way to follow through with something is if you tell someone what you plan on doing and ask them to keep you in check. Or better yet, see if a friend is willing to get involved in the same project. You can even talk to one of the advisors on campus if you need help. The other engagement peers and I are here to help you find what you want to do.

Finding something to get involved in may seem like an overwhelming task, but perhaps if you take a few minutes to sit and think about what you want to do, you can learn a lot about yourself in reflection. Take that time to realize what it is you want to do and commit to yourself that you will at least make the effort to try. Make the most out of your SFU experience and enjoy your time here!

SFU Student
visibility  124
Mar 13, 2013

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