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Arts + Social Sciences › Political Science
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I first joined NATO Club because I took a Political Science class about wars and conflict resolution. After that, I went to a NATO field school to Europe and started participating model NATO in Canada and Europe. As an assistant, I help with organizing the events and contributing my ideas about this club.

We have weekly or biweekly activities and often run simulations in which we invite club members and present each of them with a country. Then we have a scenario like conflict resolution or crisis management and encourage our club members with a solution on how to deal with that problem. We also invite experts from outside to come and talk to us.

I think every moment I’ve had in this club is amazing – especially during the simulation when we invite experts from the outside because I got to learn from the experts and practice the whole thing. I learnt the process of concession from the debates I’ve had in this club – if you want to get what you want, you have to give something and you end up in the middle ground, and that’s how most conflicts are solved. Meeting the experts and making friends in the club has been the bonus.

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Oct 23, 2018