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If there is anything I can safely say about this experience, it’s that everybody left that last session feeling like they had leadership potential. Seeing everyone so inspired was definitely a wonderful thing to witness.

Looking to get involved, but not sure where to start?

Taking the first step is often the most difficult part of the process. However, have no fear, as Passport to Leadership is ready to come to the rescue! Delivered over five different workshops (one every two weeks), this program aims to introduce students to basic leadership skills and show them the various ways to get involved around campus. It boasts proudly on its website that it is the first step of your leadership journey at SFU. Not convinced? Well, as a participant this past semester, I can say that the website does not lie.

Although I don’t want to reveal too much (it would ruin the surprise!), I can say that the workshops were definitely valuable. The sessions cover topics that range from communication strategies to goal-setting and self-awareness. Even as someone who has had previous leadership experience, I felt like I learned new things. Even though most of these topics seem like common sense, you would be surprised by how much of this common sense we fail to practice in everyday life. In that sense, whether you are already an active student leader or aspiring to become one, there is something you can learn from this program.

One thing that I quickly realized was that every participant took away something different from the experience. Between all the different concepts, lessons and strategies we learned, each person had something different that resonated with them, and I found that extremely powerful. My cohort consisted of an incredibly diverse group, ranging from 1st years to 4th years, computer science majors to criminology majors, and those who were already involved to those who never thought they would be leaders. If there is anything I can safely say about this experience, it’s that everybody left that last session feeling like they had leadership potential. Seeing everyone so inspired was definitely a wonderful thing to witness.

When asked about the most valuable thing they learned from the workshops, many of those in my cohort replied that they never knew they could be leaders before this experience. I think that this belief is common among the student body. However, as cheesy as it sounds, everyone does have leadership potential.

Ready to take the first step? Passport to Leadership runs every semester! You’ll laugh, you’ll cry (just kidding!) and you’ll learn. What more could you ask for?

To register or get more information on the program, visit their website.

Beyond the Blog

  • Find more about Passport to Leadership by clicking here

SFU Student
visibility  235
Apr 23, 2014

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